Zara Jain
My Basketball
Growing up, my world was basketball. In Grade 2, my dad started me on this sport, taking the ball down to the bus stop and practicing while we waited for the school bus to arrive. Basketball is my “get-out-of-jail card” from school. When I’m training, I know I can drop everything without feeling unproductive.

Since grade 4 I have played basketball competitively. From grade 4 to grade 8 I participated in the international competition ACSIS (Athletic Conference of Singapore International Schools)!
Grade 4: Girls U11 A Team - Silver Medal
Grade 5: Girls U11 A Team - Silver Medal
Grade 6: Girls U12 A Team - Silver Medal
Grade 7: Girls U14 B Team
Grade 8: Girls U14 A Team - COVID 19
In High School, I competed in the international competition SEASAC (South East Asia Student Activities Conference)!
Grade 9: Girls U19 B Team - COVID 19
Grade 10: Girls U19 A Team - No SEASAC
Grade 11: Girls U19 A Team - SEASAC Placed 4th Internationally